Striking, understated, experimental, minimalist - our designs are as individual as your brand. Always unique and thoughtful down to the last nuance.
During the concept phase, we focus on your goal: What do you want to achieve? And then we brainstorm and note, cross out and discard, evolve until it fits. Until we have the design concept - the idea behind the design that defines the path to your goal. The concept is the framework for all design decisions. Whether it's the choice of colors and fonts or the basic styles, media, and animations.
Interactive interface design is divided into two disciplines: UI (user interface) and UX (user experience). Both are closely related, but have different focuses. UI design focuses on the visual aspect of the user interface. This includes colors and shapes, typography and illustration, as well as accessibility, functionality, and the smooth flow of interactions. UX design focuses on the user experience. For an optimal user experience, the user must be able to reach the desired goal as comfortably and quickly as possible. Defined user types and user flows help predict the necessary steps and make the journey easier.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Visitors decide in 50 milliseconds (i.e. 0.05 seconds) whether they like your site or not, whether they stay or leave. We work closely with you to ensure that the design is not only visually compelling, but also perfectly suited to you and your brand. We design your website step by step and stay in constant communication with you. Until we get the best result.
We are a digital agency - which means that we feel at home in innovative fields. We are always at the cutting edge of technology and pioneers in the use of forward-looking tools. Every one of us is really good at something. And depending on the project and requirements, we put our heads together and see how we can reach our goal together. Fast and uncomplicated.